Digital Marketing for Accountants: The Ultimate Guide

The business world has evolved, and digital marketing is vital to achieving remarkable growth. Even the accountancy industry is no exception.

Today, your success or growth rate hinges on the quality of your service and digital marketing. How can you build your reputation digitally? How can you connect to the world of possibilities that online marketing affords?

You are in luck! This deep-dive article explores in detail how to market your accounting business globally.

At Slinky, we are a one-stop shop for digital marketing, so we can help you achieve your goals!

But first, let’s help you focus on the right goals…

The Impact of Digital Marketing on Accountants

The good old days… days when brick-and-mortar marketing yielded results. A great ad in the newspaper or an inspiring billboard on a busy street made a lot of difference or sometimes a great referral.

Don’t get us wrong—the digital revolution hasn’t eroded these methods. In fact, referrals are still great for marketing. But digital marketing complements these channels and often overshadows them.

Why? Read More

The Complete Guide to Online Marketing For Moving Company

Right now, online marketing for moving companies is a must-have. We live in a world where a simple click can set life-changing events in motion. Digital technology has changed how customers evaluate and opt for moving services.

Beyond word-of-mouth marketing, your moving company’s online presence propels it into success. How can you adopt a human-centric marketing strategy that turns your website into a lead-generation platform?

Stay with us while we delve into the basics of dynamic online marketing tips for moving companies.

What are the Online Marketing Tips for Moving Companies?

As business evolves, you should explore new digital marketing strategies to keep up. We’ll delve straight into what online marketing is for moving companies.

This section will cover the following:

  • Laying Digital Foundation
  • Personalizing customer interaction
  • Data-driven SEO and content marketing
  • Leveraging Social Media Insights
  • The power of email marketing
  • Utilizing predictive analytics

1. Laying the Digital Foundation

The first step to having an online presence is owning a website. While most people think of a website as a mere collection of pages, it’s more than that.

It’s a storefront that provides core information about your business to potential customers. Your website should, however, be informative and user-friendly.

Humans generally have a low attention span. Read More

How Local SEO Can Take A Dentist’s Website To The Top Of Google

The Internet Changed Everything for Dentists (and Every Other Business)

Rewind 20 years and the landscape for attracting new dental patients looked vastly different. You had your location, your signs, maybe some ads in the local penny saver or Val-Pak mailers. If you were really going big, a TV or radio spot. But the game has totally flipped in the digital age.

These days, when someone needs just about any service (dentists included), their first stop is the internet. They pull out their phone and do a quick search for “dentists near me.” In a matter of seconds, Google is going to serve up a list of practices in their area.

And you know what? The order of that list might as well be etched in stone. Research shows that the first couple of listings on page one of Google get over 60% of the clicks. The third gets about 10%, and it just keeps dropping off from there.

So if your practice’s website isn’t in those top few spots for your local area, you’re basically invisible online. All your marketing dollars get flushed (more on that in a minute). That new patient lead just opened up another tab and booked with one of your local competitors without a second thought. Read More