Cracking the Code of Buyer Intent Keywords

Keywords are the basis of a robust SEO strategy. These keywords are what help your business get discovered by the right people. The reason we’re putting emphasis on “the right people” is that different web users are in different stages of their buyer journey.

Prospects in the decision phase of their buyer journey typically use buyer intent keywords when searching for information online.

In this article, we are going to discuss everything about buyer’s journey, keyword intent, and share tips on using keywords to increase your sales.  Read More

Ensure Business Success With Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design has emerged as the latest technique currently employed by web design professionals to ensure a better customer experience on a company website. Read More

Web Design Trends In 2023

As with many aspects of the internet and all it involves, web design is a professional skill and an industry constantly evolving.

As new technologies become available regarding how internet users access and consume content online and as the visual elements of websites advance. Read More

10 Effective Strategies To Guarantee The Success Of Your Email Marketing

Within digital marketing, some techniques and strategies come and go, often discarded because of updates Google often makes to its algorithm.

One of the strategies was article marketing, which takes advantage of sites like Ezine Articles.

Despite many remarkable articles that are being published, Google decided that links from those articles should effectively be ignored. Read More

Web Design Strategies For Better Website Conversions

One of the enormous benefits of excellent web design is that it can achieve many things for the business that owns the website being created.

What it can achieve will largely depend on the business’s goals and ambitions, which in turn dictates the remit it will have given to its web designers. Read More

How To Run Google Ads For Your Family Law Practice Without Spending A Fortune

One of the quickest ways you can drive traffic to your family lawyer’s website is with paid advertising, and the most popular of those is Google Ads.

Google Ads has been providing businesses with a quick and straightforward way to promote themselves on Google’s search engine and other partner websites for years, and you may recall it being called Google AdWords in the past. Read More

How To Ensure Your Bridal Branding Stands Out Against Your Competition

In most places, the level of commercial competition within the bridal retail market is considerable.

Given that the bridal market in Australia is estimated to be worth upwards of 350 million Australian dollars annually, it is understandable why so many bridal businesses want a share of that considerable financial pie. Read More

Cracking the Code with Analytics and Data

Hello! You have arrived at Slinky Digital, and I want to inform you that we are very knowledgeable about data here.

If your next question is “Why?”, it is because numbers tell a story, and we are extremely good at reading them.

From Google’s incredible tools to diving deep into why an individual clicked that link or button on your site, we are involved with reading into all of that. Let us discuss some of the best ways to get into all this. Read More

Is AI Content Capable Of Improving SEO?

One of the newer concepts you may have recently seen regarding SEO for your business’s website is AI content. AI, which stands for artificial intelligence, is something that is becoming more prevalent in lots of areas whether it is business related or not. Read More

How Businesses Connect With Generation Z Via Digital Marketing

One of the key principles of digital marketing, and indeed any kind of marketing, is that, for a campaign to have any chance of success you must know the audience that you are targeting.

The greatest ad copy, most exceptional products and services, or lowest discounted prices will be for nothing if the marketing messages are not being seen by those most likely to need or want what is being promoted. Read More